
LIFE Metro Adapt: Climate Change and Urban Resilience (video animation)

The animation video, created as part of the LIFE Metro Adapt project, explains in understandable but correct terms, the topic of Climate Change, the outcomes of the 2015 Paris Agreement, and the concept of adaptation and resilience of cities.

LIFE Metro Adapt: Climate Change and Urban Resilience (video animation). Watch the video and answer the quiz!

The animation video, created as part of the LIFE Metro Adapt project, explains in understandable but correct terms, the topic of Climate Change, the outcomes of the 2015 Paris Agreement, and the concept of adaptation and resilience of cities.

Urban Heat Islands in Milan Metropolitan Area

Urban Heat Islands are thermal anomalies located in the most densely constructed and populated cities. It is possible to map the distribution of Urban Heat Islands, evaluating and preventing risk for citizens. These data are essential tools to make a more #sustainable urban habitat for everyone.
Video realized by e-GEOS within the Metro Adapt Project co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union.

The Pale Blue Dot (Trailer) – An incredible story of hope, wonder, beauty and despair

“Pale Blue Dot” is a theatre performance designed to explain the risks related to climate change and to communicate the need to recover urban areas, fostering adaptation to extreme climatic phenomena (i.e. extreme rainfalls, floods, thermal anomalies, etc.). “Pale Blue Dot” is a compelling and “harsh” show that reminds us all of our responsibilities towards the environment, stressing that the time at our disposal to change the way we conceive and exploit the world is less and less. The play is by and with Andrea Brunello. Directed by Christian Di Domenico. Music by Enrico Merlin. Promoted within the LIFE Metro Adapt Project.

Climate Emergency:
Causes, effects and possible solutions

What are the main causes of Climate Change? How can we arrest global warming? What are the possible “green solutions” that cities can implement to minimize their environmental impact? Watch the first video produced by the Metro Adapt project, co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union

What is climate change and how is it affecting the Planet?

Climate change is mainly due to natural causes but it has suffered a dramatic acceleration because of human activities. The effects that we are currently experiencing are alarming: global warming, oceans temperature variations, extreme rainfalls, biodiversity loss, decreased agricultural productivity, reduction in water storage capacity, heat waves. Which strategies can metropolitan cities adopt?

Climate change adaptation strategies: how to invest in green solutions

What are Nature Based Solutions? How can cities implement them to adapt to climate change regenerating urban areas?

A first pilot intervention for water management in Masate municipality (Milan)

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are interventions inspired by Nature capable of improving climate change adaptation in urban areas and increasing territorial resilience. The main types of NBS concern: water management, green solutions in already existing urban buildings, green on built environment, ground green spaces. Thanks to the LIFE Metro Adapt project, we carried out a first pilot intervention for water management in Masate municipality (Milan), an area with a high hydraulic risk, associated with a growing urban expansion. The objective is to convey and dispose of wastewater from a parking lot and a portion of the provincial road in a special retention system.

Solaro municipality (Milan) – Intervention to reduce rainwater’s contribution to the sewage system.

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are interventions inspired by Nature capable of improving climate change adaptation in urban areas and increasing territorial resilience. The main types of NBS concern: water management, green solutions in already existing urban buildings, green on built environment, ground green spaces. To respond to the growing urbanization in Solaro municipality (Milan), the implementation of an intervention to reduce rainwater’s contribution to the sewage system has been carried out by LIFE Metro Adapt. The project considered the implementation of a special drainage system in a public parking lot, developed in two different areas.

Metro Adapt joins The Nature of Cities Festival

Here’s the summary of the LIFE Metro Adapt’s participation in The Nature of Cities Festival which took place from 22-26 February 2021! Many participatory sessions involved citizens, municipalities and experts in the field of nature Based Solutions and adaptation to climate change to discuss the more sustainable future of our cities!

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