1.1 Assessment of the present situation concerning the mainstreaming of adaptation policies and measures in the CMM territorial plans on the base of the contribution of technicians, private and public decision makers;
1.2 Providing municipalities with a set of simple and standardized tools and rules on resilient measures to be integrated in their urban plans and regulations;
2.1 Development of a “METRO ADAPT Platform” on NBS including guidelines regarding the application of NBS in urban context, technical information on NBS and European best practices;
2.2 Drafting of technical standards and feasibility studies and organizing training workshops for municipal technician for the development of NBS;
3.1 Organization of local events to raise citizens awareness on the climate change issue and to trigger behavioural changes to combat its effects;
3.2 Realization of two demonstrative NBS facilities, thanks to the technical and economic commitment of CAP Holding: retrofitting of a public parking with a sustainable drainage systems and restoration of a canal network to increase retention capacity;
4.1 Improving and complementing the data and information provided by the existing CMM territorial database (an innovative cartography) through the integration of local knowledge and competence, thermal satellite analysis, ground meteorological data and census data of population; enhancing the spatial analysis and data sharing; facilitating public access to spatial information in all the 134 CMM municipalities;
4.2 Realization of a session devoted to the sharing of vulnerability maps and other educational material on the website of the Metropolitan City of Milan
5.1 Develop a knowledge network of Italian and European metropolitan areas, starting from the “Common Chart of PTM strategies” that CMM signed together with the metropolitan cities of Bologna and Florence;
5.2 Developing a European network of metropolitan areas, building on the project MEANING – Metropolitan Europeans in Active Network, Inducing Novelties in Governance.